All Vaccines recommended by Indian Academy of Pediatrics
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All Vaccines recommended by Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Baby: 1st dose 6 M, 2nd dose 7 M
Adult: 1 dose every year
Age : All adults
Doses :01 or more doses
Age :9 to 42 Years
Doses :03 (0M; 02M; 06M)
Age :50 years +
Doses :02 (0M; 02-06M)
(PCV13): up to 65 years
(PPSV23): 65 years +
Baby 1st dose 6 M, 2nd dose 7 M
All adults 02 (0M; 02M)
Baby 1st dose 6 M, 2nd dose 7 M
Adults :01 dose
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Your child encounters many germs daily, primarily through the food they consume, the air they breathe, and objects they explore with their mouths. At birth, infants possess an immune system capable of combating many germs; however, they are still vulnerable to certain severe diseases. This vulnerability stems from their limited initial protection against infections, which is largely derived from their mothers. Consequently, vaccines play a crucial role in bolstering their immune defenses.
Vaccinations are essential not only for children but also for adults. Over time, the immunity provided by certain childhood vaccines can diminish, leaving adults at risk for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs). Factors such as age, occupation, lifestyle, travel, and existing health conditions can increase this risk. Therefore, it is crucial for adults to receive vaccinations to protect themselves and others from serious illnesses that could lead to health complications, financial burdens from medical expenses, and disruptions in their ability to care for family members.
Vaccines are crucial for older adults, just as they are for infants and younger individuals. As people age, their immune systems naturally weaken, making it increasingly challenging to fend off infections. This decline in immune function heightens the risk of contracting illnesses such as influenza and pneumonia, which can lead to severe complications, long-term health issues, hospitalization, or even death.
Vaccinations during pregnancy are vital not only for the health of the mother but also for providing early protection to the baby. When a mother receives vaccinations, she passes on immunity to her child, which is crucial during the initial months of life when infants are most vulnerable to infections. Maternal immunization is a straightforward and effective strategy to shield both mothers and their developing fetuses from specific infectious diseases.
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